New Zealand made Trade Essentials Strandsarking is manufactured using the same zero formaldehyde resin and FSC sourced fibre as the already popular Strandfloor H3.1. With its new BRANZ Appraisal No. 946 (2016), Trade Essentials Strandsarking will meet clause E.2.3.2 External Moisture of the New Zealand Building Code.
More environmentally friendly than other alternatives, the preservative process for Strandsarking uses a water-based treatment that is applied to every strand, meaning there is no untreated core nor risk of exposure if cuts or holes are made during construction. This water-based treatment also gives a more consistent finish without altering the appearance of the board. Strandsarking is supplied in 3600 x 800mm boards for ease of handling, and meets the following building code clauses:
- B1.3.1, B1.3.2 and B1.3.4 Structure
- B2.3.1 Durability
- F2.3.1 Hazardous Building Materials
Contact Laminex Technical Services team for more information on Trade Essentials Strandsarking.