As with all products, the process flows smoothest when those at the beginning of the project (i.e. the clients and architectural professionals) have as much information to hand as possible. It is with this in mind that MAXRaft has updated its Technical Specifications to provide more detail to those who need it.
The Technical Specifications now include details on the suitability of MAXRaft products depending on ground type, more information on the MAXRaft polystyrene, options for bottom plate fixings, minimum requirements for steel and concrete materials, and external coating options.
Information on calculating the R-value of the MAXRaft insulation, shrinkage control for the slab and inspections required is also included.
These details have been submitted to CertMark as part of the Codemark accreditation process with receipt of the Codemark to be announced in the near future. MAXRaft works closely with architects, councils and builders, and the Codemark accreditation will be another step towards simplifying the design, consent and build process for all involved.
The MAXRaft Fully Insulated Foundation system itself has been designed to be as easy to specify as possible. As each foundation has a site specific design, all that is required on the architectural plans is a reference to the MAXRaft engineer’s foundation package. MAXRaft will then provide the designs necessary for the foundation, ensuring optimum slab insulation levels are achieved for every project, along with a PS1 for council.