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Remote Inspections

LBP Skills Maintenance, August 2024 — for all LBPs | The Government has announced there will be a public consultation in the coming months on a range of options to increase the uptake of remote inspections.

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Repairing Flood Damaged Buildings

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Skills maintenance, April 2024 — for all LBPs | What you need to know when repairing flood damaged buildings and carrying out work under the schedule 1 exemptions of the Building Act.

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25 March 2024

Can Solar Control Glass Be Used to Mitigate the Potential for Over-Heating?

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Recent modelling by Jason Quinn of Sustainable Engineering found that improper glass choice and orientation could lead to over 33% increased risk of this specific house design overheating, as evidenced by the graph. What are some options that will reduce the risk of overheating from solar gain?

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25 March 2024

Understanding Roof Falls and Tapered Insulation

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Recent membrane testing and technology allows some systems to work at lower falls. This creates an impact on the design scenarios in which the overall roof buildup has a height limitation.

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25 March 2024

Drier Education: An Insight into the MOE’s Weathertightness Design Requirements for School Buildings

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In this article we look at some of the elements included from Version 3.0 onwards of the Ministry of Education's Weathertightness Guidance document which would be deemed ‘above code’, and discuss the whys, hows and wheres of their practical application.

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25 March 2024

What Type of Drain to Specify for My Commercial Kitchen Design?

Commercial Kitchens blog post

This is a question that often gets asked. There are a number of options, and your product selection will depend on a few factors.

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25 March 2024

Why Triple-Glazing Instead of Double-Glazing?

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While it has been sensible for the former use of single glazing in house windows to be replaced with double-glazing, it now appears that there is the beginning of a move for new housing to be fitted with triple-glazing. Why?

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25 March 2024

Actions and Loads to Consider When Specifying Internal Aluminium Partitions

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In this second part in our series 'A Guide to Structural Actions on Internal Aluminium Partitions', we look at frame deflections and loads that need to be considered when specifying partitions. 

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Joining a DPM to a Tanking Membrane

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Where a BGT system connects with a Damp Proof Membrane (DPM) is a detail that many designers have drawn without fully understanding how these dissimilar membranes are connected.

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26 February 2024

Managing Moisture and Ventilation in Roofs

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With new roofing insulation requirements, the architectural community has had to get used to some radically changed details for roofs.

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26 February 2024

A Guide to Structural Actions on Internal Aluminium Partitions

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Part 1: Structural considerations for internal aluminium partitions.

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