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Remote Inspections

LBP Skills Maintenance, August 2024 — for all LBPs | The Government has announced there will be a public consultation in the coming months on a range of options to increase the uptake of remote inspections.

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27 May 2024

Where Is Our Electricity Going?

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Are we driving blindly forward with our eyes firmly focussed on the view in the rear vision mirror? Our energy future is not going to be as it has been in the past.

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27 May 2024

Deciphering The Building Code: B1 Structure

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This first article in a series of five reflects on recent Pro Clima Knowledge Zone webinars and aims to highlight how changes in one area can impact other code clauses. We point out some of our industry's common mistakes and discuss how to address them. 

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27 May 2024

The Importance of Selecting NZ Made

59 France St balcony PFP stopping

Selecting NZ made products provides a level of assurance that suppliers who use offshore production are unable to fulfil. Additionally, the economic benefits are retained in New Zealand and fed back into local communities.

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27 May 2024

Understanding Low E Coatings

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Insights into the complexities of Low E coating and their importance in making informed choices.

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Sealing of Water Control Valves to Meet E3/AS2 Requirements

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One critical area of waterproofing is to ensure the detail you use to seal the penetrations for the shower mixers/taps and their associated outlets not only completely seals the penetrations from water ingress from the outside, but will also provide protection to the wall cavity.

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Decoding Declare: Nutrition Labels for Building Materials

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Fiona Caulfield, Declare Manager New Zealand, looks at how Declare labels can help us understand how safe a building product is to human and environmental health.

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22 April 2024

Passive Fire Protection in CLT Construction

CLT Floor Passive Fire Systems Test DIFC collars

Plumbing or electrical services that penetrate a CLT panel result in a hole in the fire cell for the service to pass through. The hole for the pipe or cables needs to have a PFP product applied to it to prevent the spread of fire beyond that fire cell.

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22 April 2024

500 Days to Build a House: Not a Record Kiwis Should Be Proud Of

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Many missed the release in April by Statistics NZ which calculated 43,200 homes received council sign-off (CCC) in 2023. This was a 20% increase on the number of homes completed in 2022, and was the result of the long tail of the 50,000 consent approvals in 2021/22 delivering high levels of building site activity and building product sales into the fourth quarter of 2023. Delve deeper and the data reveals far more about how we’re building and what has to change to meet the increasing demand for homes in New Zealand.

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22 April 2024

The Take-Up of AAC Intertenancy Walls in Aotearoa

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This month I look at using aerated autoclaved concrete for intertenancy walls + we have a new round of the Medium Quick-Fire Quiz. 

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22 April 2024

Collecting Drinking Water from Roofs in Five Steps

Rain on roof

In New Zealand, approximately 10% of the population relies on rainwater collected from roofs for their daily water needs. There are also an increasing number of projects looking for sustainable and cost-effective solutions to harvest rainwater as a reliable source for drinking water. The key to ensuring the safety and quality of water lies in proper collection, storage, adherence to regulatory standards, and the crucial step of effective filtration.

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