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IBS EUROFloor is an OSB3 (Oriented Strand Board) panel. The product is a moisture resistant, engineered structural wood panel made from PEFC forests in Europe. IBS EUROFloor is specifically designed for the New Zealand market. IBS EUROFloor is engineered in Europe with IBS's partner Swiss Krono from environmentally sustainable sources. IBS EUROFloor consists of three layers of wood strands bonded together with heat-cured adhesives.

Each layer is orientated at right angles to the adjacent layer creating a strong, dimensionally stable panel that resists delamination and warping. The absence of natural imperfections such as knots provides certainty of performance.

IBS EUROFloor sheets are available in sizes of 2400 or 3600 x 1200 x 20mm and has a plastic tongue and groove jointing system along the long edge of the sheet.

As an OSB3 panel, manufactured in accordance with EN13986:2004, it is suitable for use in humid conditions where the panel in-service moisture content does not exceed 20%. Compliance with the NZ Building Code (NZBC) is established through product certification (CodeMark).

Key Features
  • Can be used in all areas including wet areas including bathrooms, laundries and showers (provided that it has the necessary waterproof membrane).
  • Environmentally friendly — formaldehyde free binders and engineered in Europe from environmentally sustainable sourced softwood
  • Designed specifically for the New Zealand market
  • Light, strong and durable
  • Moisture resistant and suitable for humid conditions
PEFC Certified
PEFC Certified
Scope of Use

IBS EUROFloor may be used in all timber or steel framed buildings;

  • That comply with the NZ Building Code and NASH
  • Where installers have assured themselves that the existing building is suitable for the intended building work
  • On floor framing designs up to and including 3.0kPa UDL
  • On floor diaphragms for the transfer of wind and earthquake loads within the scope of NZS 3604
  • For stair construction
  • For packaging and manufacture of crates etc
  • For shelving
  • For use as cabinetry or furniture construction.
Limitations on Use
  • IBS EUROFloor shall only be used as flooring and as a floor diaphragm in buildings designed in accordance with NZS304:2011
  • IBS EUROFloor shall only be used when specifically designed using the maximum concentrated loads and uniformly distributed loads set out in the IBS EUROFloor Design and Installation Guide
  • Framing to which this product is attached shall be designed and constructed to comply with B1/VM1 or B1/AS1
  • IBS EUROFloor shall be installed in accordance with the IBS EUROFloor Design and Installation Guide
  • The moisture content of IBS EUROFloor shall be no more than 18% before sealing or covering with a flooring product
  • The subfloor shall be ventilated and protected from external moisture
  • IBS EUROFloor shall be protected by a membrane or other impervious finish when installed in wet and splash areas in accordance with IBS EUROFloor Design and Installation Guide
  • Evidence of compliance with NZBC clause C3.4(b) shall be provided when IBS EUROFloor is used in sleeping areas and exit ways in buildings not protected with an automatic fire sprinkler system where care or detention is provided or alternatively covered with a surface material meeting the requirements of C3.4 (b) for that particular use
  • Exposure of IBS EUROFloor to weather shall be kept to a minimum and shall be not more than 90 days
Statement of Building Code Compliance

If designed, used, installed and maintained in accordance with the scope, this product will meet the following provisions of the NZBC:

  • B1 Structure: B1.3.1, B1.3.2, B1.3.3(a, b, f, h, j ), B1.3.4
  • B2 Durability: B2.3.1(a), B2.3.2(a)
  • C3 Fire affecting areas beyond the fire source: C3.4 (b)
  • F2 Hazardous Building Materials: F2.3.1
Other Performance Attributes
  • Made from PEFC forests in Europe
  • Formaldehyde free binders
CodeMark CM70089

CM70089 2020

Care and Maintenance Guide

August 2021

Warranty General Terms

August 2021


August 2021

Since 1993, IBS has been working with the top building products producers from around the world to bring New Zealand a panel product range to help Kiwis build better.

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