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27 February 2023

Support for Cyclone Repair Work: How the Government is Assisting

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Severe weather events in the North Island have caused significant flooding and damage to infrastructure and buildings. Here MBIE provides remediation resources and information about the New Zealand Claims Resolution Service (NZCRS):

Flood remediation guidance

As communities begin to think about remediation efforts, MBIE have published four new pieces of information to help support council staff, homeowners, and building practitioners (including engineers). These are available on their website

Flood damaged buildings

This guidance is for homeowners and occupiers of buildings damaged by the North Island severe weather events. It covers steps to take after the flood, through to repairs and minimising future damage. Click here to view

Damage to wall linings (plasterboard) caused by flooding

This guidance provides information on identifying plasterboard wall linings that have been damaged by flooding, and what needs to be done to remove and replace these. Click here to view

Building consent exemptions

This quick guide provides councils, building practitioners, and homeowners with information on what building work may not require a building consent when repairing damage caused by the severe weather events. Click here to view

Slope stability quick guide

This document provides homeowners and occupiers of buildings that have been affected in the recent weather events with direction on remediating damage related to slope and ground stability. Click here to view

Additional information is available on the MBIE website: North Island severe weather events 2023 | Building Performance

The New Zealand Claims Resolution Service

The Government announced the launch of the New Zealand Claims Resolution Service (NZCRS) on Sunday 19 February.

NZCRS is a free service providing residential homeowners with advice, case management support where appropriate, and access to legal, technical and wellbeing services to help them achieve timely, fair, and enduring resolution of their residential insurance claims resulting from natural disasters.

The establishment of the NZCRS will mean that the level of support available to homeowners affected by the Canterbury Earthquake Sequences will now be available to New Zealanders across the country and for all natural disasters.

Homeowners currently accessing Greater Christchurch Claims Resolution Service will see no change to the services they are currently receiving as they continue to work through their earthquake claims. Those currently working with RAS will see an increase in the support they can now access.

Homeowners affected by the recent floods and Cyclone Gabrielle

For those impacted by the Auckland floods, NZCRS will have case managers at your community support hubs for the next two weeks from today. Visit to find locations.

NZCRS is continuing to assess the need across areas affected by Cyclone Gabrielle and will provide further information on the website of when case managers will be in your area.

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