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DriStud W11 - Fully Synthetic Fire Retardant Premium White Faced Foil Insulation

DriStud W11 is a Fire Retardant, fully synthetic, vapour, water barrier and a light diffuser insulation product. It is used for interior lining for commercial and industrial buildings, sports stadiums and warehousing facilities where extra clean white finish is required.

DriStud recommend using Safety Mesh or Hexagonal Netting to support DriStud W11.

Key Features
  • Fire Retardant - FR Index 1
  • Titanium white finish – extra white increases light diffusion and reflection
  • Stiff product with superior tear resistance
  • Ease of installation – its stiffness and 150mm lap lines makes it easy to install
  • Self-Supporting
  • Water and Vapour barrier
Scope of Use

DriStud W11 has a premium white face to increase light diffusion and reflection. It is used to line walls and under roofs to give a clean white finish when installed with white facing down or inside.

Where DriStud W11 is used for new construction or in connection with a building consent the work should be undertaken or supervised by a Licensed Building Practioner (LBP). 

Limitations on Use
  • DriStud W11 is not designed to withstand prolonged direct exposure to the elements 
  • The outer construction envelope of this product should be installed the same day as the metal roof 
  • If installed within 500 metres of the sea where foil surfaces may be exposed to a corrosive atmosphere (including agricultural sheds), foil surfaces should face an enclosed, un-vented air space 
  • To ensure optimal thermal insulation performance, as well as satisfactory durability, a 25mm air space adjacent to the foil side of the product is recommended 
  • If exposed to dusts for a prolonged period, stains can result on white face 
  • Safety Mesh or Hexagonal Netting is recommended to support DriStud W11
Statement of Building Code Compliance

DriStud W11 has been tested to AS/NZS 4200:2017 and meets all the requirements of the NZBC:

  • Clauses B2, Durability (B2.3.1[b] 15 years),
  • E2 External Moisture E2.3.2,
  • F2 Hazardous Building Materials F2.3.1.
CodeMark Certificate: DriStud W11



Products include DriStud wall and roof underlays, Window Flashing Tape, Vent NZ passive ventilation system and Proctor construction membranes.

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