Statement of Building Code Compliance
- G1/AS1 Personal hygiene 1.1, 1.3.2 and clause 2.5: Allproof floor wastes are designed to provide an appropriate drainage solution for showers and various other sanitary fixtures required for personal hygiene. Floor wastes are designed to safely remove wastewater removing risk of contamination, when cleaned and correctly maintained floor wastes shall not harbour dirt and germs and prevent unpleasant odours from being emitted from the DWV system. Floor wastes for showers with a tray or a level threshold satisfy provisions of E3/AS1 internal moisture.
Refer to install guides and specifications for further information.
- NZBC G13/AS1 Foul water clause 1(b), 3.1(c) & (d) and clause 3.4 Floor Outlets: Allproof floor waste systems (water traps and grates) have been designed and manufactured to be compliant to all requirements set out in G13/AS1.
- The water seal in the gully prevents foul air and gases entering buildings,
- Grates are removable to access the system for maintenance and cleaning,
- Grates finish flush with the floor,
- Outlets exceed the minimum diameter.
Refer to install guides and specifications for further information.
- NZBC G13/AS3 Foul water and AS/NZS 3500.2 clauses 4.6: Allproof floor waste systems have been designed to comply with all criteria outlined in AS/NZS 3500.2 and modifications covered in NZBC
- G13/AS3. Outlet connections designed to specifications in Appendix A of 3500.2. Gullies designed in accordance with requirements in clause 4.6.
- AAS 3740 clause 3.14: Allproof floor waste systems have been designed to specifications and requirements set out in AS 3740 clause 3.14 for the membrane to drainage connection following figures 3.8 and 3.9.
- B2/AS1 Durability: B2.3.1 — Allproof floor waste systems meet the requirements of B2.3.1 (a) not less than 50 years, (b) not less than 15 years and (c) not less than 5 years.
WaterMark Certificate of Conformity has been obtained on all relevant floor water components for;
- AS1260 (WMKA 21800),
- WMTS-040 (WMKT 21223),
- and AS2887 (WM 74706).
In-Service History
Used country wide in both commericial and residential tiled showers