They are prevalent throughout commercial buildings and, by their very nature, are situated above the heads of building occupants, so it is crucial to ensure that they designed to withstand significant seismic events.
Potter can supply earthquake-tested suspension systems that are stronger and carry a heavier load. USG – Potters’ suspended ceiling supplier – manufacture suspension systems that are proven to greatly exceed the lateral forces experienced in a seismic event. And the incorporation of seismic-rated ceilings needn’t inhibit creativity or the aesthetic quality of the ceiling. Reinforcements can be applied above the ceiling, away from view.
USG has been supplying their seismically-rated USG DONN grid system for more than forty years. Furthermore, they are produced in New Zealand for our unique local conditions. USG Australasia has invested significantly in steel engineering and testing and as a result have the most robust, well-informed seismically-rated grid systems in the market. The USG DONN grid system is rich in configuration flexibility, allowing for varying weights, main tees and cross tees across a single ceiling.
USG will soon release their updated Seismic Design Guidelines to building designers which provide step-by-step considerations for incorporating seismic-rated ceiling into a building’s design. This can be provided by Potters upon request.