The concealed Akasison Siphonic Drainage system rapidly drains water, siphoning through small pipes close to the roof to maximise space. This allows more flexibility for routing of pipework and creating more usable space inside the building due to small pipework that can be installed horizontally with zero gradient.
With over 9,000m² of roof area, the complex buildings of the Justice Precinct posed a number of challenges. The use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) allowed Marley and the installer to coordinate between the requirements of all services, and model in advance to secure a route for siphonic pipework through the 'busy' building ceiling spaces and service risers. Because the Akasison siphonic system allows long runs of horizontal pipes to be run in the ceiling space level, it was the perfect solution for the size and complexity of this project.
Expected to be operational by the end of 2017, the Justice Precinct will be used by an estimated 2,000 people daily. Set to be the largest multi-agency government co-location project in New Zealand’s history, and the first major public building to be built in Christchurch by the Government since the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011. Read more about the project here.
For more information or a project consultation, contact Marley's National Technical Sales Engineer.