This month I look at how we can raise our insulation game when it comes to window and roof design + we have a new round of the Medium Quick-Fire Quiz.
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The longevity and hygiene of changing room seating can be maximised by specifying low-maintenance seating materials with antimicrobial protection.
Ensuring that medium-density low-rise apartment complexes comply with NZBC-H1 (Energy Efficiency) is more involved than for stand-alone dwellings.
How can we judge a building's performance when all testing methods have limitations?
Heating a house is not as simple as just fitting a heat pump to a convenient wall. The most important first step is to develop a heating and cooling Performance Brief for the residence.
Green roofs or living roofs are an obvious, visible and celebrated device in sustainable design. They offer both ecological advantages and some design challenges.
The peace of mind and long-term savings gained from selecting a more reliable membrane system is often underestimated.
A new edition (Fourth) of the New Zealand Building Code Clause H1 (Energy Efficiency) has been published. It became effective on 1st January 2017.
With the increased demand and necessity of unisex toilet cubicles in the commercial and education sectors, the need for a resolution for the issue of privacy has been raised by many designers.
A look into the key considerations — including acoustics, perforations and aesthetics — for choosing an effective metal ceiling system.
The performance of windows can be greatly improved by ensuring insulation, weathertightness and airtightness layers connect.
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