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Remote Inspections

LBP Skills Maintenance, August 2024 — for all LBPs | The Government has announced there will be a public consultation in the coming months on a range of options to increase the uptake of remote inspections.

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21 March 2019

Balancing Fire Protection with Other Building Requirements


We often come across situations where compliance with NZBC requirements for fire protection is in conflict with other requirements.

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21 March 2019

Update on Tariffs and Anti-Dumping Duties on Residential Building Materials

construction site

Tariff concessions have applied to many materials used in residential construction since 2014. The government has decided not to re-impose these tariffs.

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21 February 2019

New Guidance on Fire Performance of External Wall Cladding Systems

high rise building

Working with industry experts, MBIE has developed guidance about how external cladding systems should be tested for fire spread performance.

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21 February 2019

NZGBC Update: 7,500 Homes Assessed Through HomeFit

homefit scheme nzgbc

To promote healthier houses, New Zealand Green Building Council launched the HomeFit initiative in November 2018. We've asked the NZGBC to give us an update on the uptake and initial learnings from the first three months.

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21 February 2019

Fire Testing for Temporary Wall Cladding

Fire image resistance

A look at how a peel and stick weathertightness membrane performs in a fire when used as a temporary cladding.

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22 November 2018

NZ BIM Benchmark Survey 2018 Results Released

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A look at the fifth year of a five-year programme that follows progress of an industry control group in accelerating the introduction of BIM into NZ.

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21 November 2018

Wanted: An Innovative Relocatable Home Design

Relocatable Home Comp Cover

Registrations are now open for a prefabricated home design competition promoted by APL Window Solutions with the support of NZIA and Built Smart.

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21 November 2018

An Update on Prefab Perceptions Today

prefab wall

The momentum for prefabrication is picking up both in NZ and overseas. 

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18 October 2018

Renovating and Insulating Masonry Walls

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Why strapping and lining masonry walls on the inside is not a good idea, not for renovation, not for new builds. 

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18 October 2018

Bentonite Waterproofing and Wet/Dry Cycling


There is no aspect of bentonite waterproofing that is as misunderstood as how it responds to wet/dry cycling.

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