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Client Knowledge Base

A resource for EBOSS clients to get the most out of EBOSS services

Brand Information

To host a product catalogue on EBOSS you will need a brand page. This will initially be set up by EBOSS on your behalf.


Once established, you can update text information, and contact details for your brand via the Supplier Admin/Manage Catalogue. Changes need to be submitted and reviewed by EBOSS before they go live. Remember to click Save and then the green Request Approval button. If your change is urgent please get in touch.

Note that brand name, or imagery cannot be edited in the Supplier Admin — please contact EBOSS.

For changes to brand name see Rebranding.

Brand Info Tab

When logged into the Supplier Admin click your brand under Manage Catalogue, then select the 'Brand Info' tab at on the left. Remember to click Save and then the green Request Approval button.

Login > Manage Catalogue > Brand Info tab (left hand side)

Brand Text Fields

Short Bio

This appears alongside brand logo and is seen on product listings

  • 1 sentence
  • 200 character limit
  • See example below

Appears on your brand page

  • Usually 3-4 sentences about your brand
  • Write in the third person (NOT We/You) Use the company/brand name
  • Keep it factual, avoid superlatives, No questions or exclamation points
  • Note the text format is centred, so use plain text only — no lists/bullet points, bolds, headings
  • No ® or ™
  • See Writing Style
  • See example below
Phone and Website

The contact phone number and website address appear at the top of Brand Contact page. Note: phone numbers, web address and emails appear truncated on the EBOSS site. This means they must be clicked on to reveal the information. This is deliberately done for tracking purposes.

  • Enter 1 main phone number
  • Use +64 09 123 4567 format or 0800 123 456
  • Enter the main website address for New Zealand

The brand email address does NOT appear on the site, but will receive enquiries sent via the Enquiry form (unless it is directed to an individual contact)

  • Brand email should ideally be generic — info@, sales@ — not an employee who may leave the organisation
  • Note: The Brand email address may be overridden by selecting an Individual Contact as Enquiry Form Recipient — Click Save and select the Contacts tab to see if an individual has been selected

Short bio and About Text

Remember to click Save and then the green Request Approval button.

Short bio example

Company X design, manufacture and install a range of opening roof, sun louvre and shutter systems.

About example

Company X provide smart sun control solutions for a sustainable home and building. Their extensive product range includes opening roofs, sun louvre and shutter systems, gates, fences and screens including PVC drop down screens and external venetian blinds.

Formed in Christchurch in 1973, Company X now have offices around New Zealand.

Brand Imagery

Brand Logo

Your brand logo is used at the top of your catalogue and product pages. To update your logo contact EBOSS. Please provide your logo to us in vector format without boxed backgrounds. Note versions without taglines are preferred.

Minimum width 600px w
Format Vector (.eps, .ai, .svg)

Brand Icon

Your brand icon is used as a small visual reference next to your brand name throughout the site, similar to brand avatars on third party software and social media. You can view examples on the library Brands A–Z page. It needs to be visible on both white and dark backgrounds and at small sizes. EBOSS reserves the right to edit this if it does not meet the below requirements.

Image ratio 1:1
Ideal design Circular shape, ensure background fill, if white background use 0.5px #d6d6d6 stroke, if dark background use 0.5px #fffff stroke
Dimensions 23px x 23px
Maximum size 10kb
Format SVG

Brand Hero Image

The brand hero image is the first thing users see on your brand landing page. It is designed to be a simple and beautiful photographic image that represents your products and brand in an architectural context. We no longer allow images with text written on them.

Minimum width 870px 
Restrictions No overlaid text in image
Max file size 1MB
Format JPEG (saved for web) 
Image ratio 16:9 (eg. 1600 x 900px)

Brand Colour

The brand colour is used for coloured highlights and buttons associated with your brand’s product listings and articles.

  • Entered by EBOSS as a 6 digit # code (alternatively supply a CMYK or RGB code and we can convert it)
  • Where no brand colour is supplied, we can select one based on colours in your logo
  • Note that the brand colour must be dark enough for white text to display against it. EBOSS may adjust the colour where readability is affected

You can view examples of brand coloured 'View' buttons on the library Brands A–Z page

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