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Renewing Existing Roofs for Environmental Benefits

Revitalising ageing roofs through innovative renewal techniques offers a sustainable solution that extends building lifespans, reduces waste, and minimises environmental impact in the construction industry.

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23 September 2024
26 June 2014

Daylight Robbery: Who Stole our Natural Light?

pierre chatel innocenti 412325 unsplash

The roof and side lights of many commercial buildings and warehouses are providing a much lower level of daylighting than they have been designed to. But why?

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24 June 2014

Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse on the Auckland Vision (Video)

Speaking at 'The Development of Auckland' event on Tuesday 24th June, Deputy Mayor of Auckland Penny Hulse outlined an update on the Unitary Plan as well as key planning and infrastructure initiatives.

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24 June 2014

Alison Reid on the Changing Demographics of Auckland (Video)

Speaking at 'The Development of Auckland' event on Tuesday 24th June, Alison Reid, Senior Researcher at Auckland Council, delivered an informative presentation of 2013 Census data.

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24 June 2014

Bob Lamason on the Current Consenting Process (Video)

Speaking at 'The Development of Auckland' event on Tuesday 24th June, Bob Lamason, Senior Building Consent Project Manager, gave an overview of the new structure of the Building Control team and the current consenting process.

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24 June 2014

Elizabeth Wells on Special Housing Areas (Video)

Speaking at 'The Development of Auckland' event on Tuesday 24th June, Elizabeth Wells, SHA Consenting Manager of the Housing Project Office, delivered an informative presentation entitled 'Special Housing Areas – Opportunities and Challenges'.

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3 June 2014

Thermal Mass: Is It Useful?

Thermal mass can have a positive or negative influence on the thermal performance of a building depending upon how it is used.

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Creating Living Buildings: Short Course on Sustainability

This month we introduce Jerome Partington to Detailed. Jerome is an expert in sustainable building practices and is a Senior Associate at Jasmax, where he helps create some of the most advanced sustainable projects in New Zealand. 

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27 May 2014

Potters Deflection Track System Solves ‘Live/Dead Load’ Issues in Buildings

An architect recently approached Potters Interiors expressing concerns of ‘live loads’ in the new multi-floor buildings they were designing. 

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29 April 2014

Insulation, Glazing and Thermal Mass: Is There a Simple Relationship?

We are encouraged to insulate and double glaze our homes and even to add thermal mass.  While a bare minimum of each is not good, how much and in what proportion is best? 

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29 April 2014

Professional Indemnity Insurance: Clarifying the Jargon

Professional indemnity policies have a number of key elements that make them slightly different from other kinds of professional insurance.  

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