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Remote Inspections

LBP Skills Maintenance, August 2024 — for all LBPs | The Government has announced there will be a public consultation in the coming months on a range of options to increase the uptake of remote inspections.

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28 June 2021

NZBC H1 Compliance for Domestic Alterations

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Compliance with NZ Building Code clause H1 (Energy Efficiency) is straightforward for new builds, but for alterations to existing homes it is more complicated and can give unexpected results.

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28 June 2021

When and Where Do You Need a Floor Waste Drain?

Cordis Hotel Bathroom Tile Insert Invisi Drain Floor Waste 3000x1687px

This month's blog post addresses NZBC E3/AS1 Amendment 7 2020/21 covering common scenarios that can be affected.

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24 May 2021

Is It Time for a Fundamental Review of the Building Act and How it is Delivered?

abstract architecture image

Can we develop new compliance pathways for innovations that respond appropriately to the relative risk of non-compliance but in a cost-effective manner?

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24 May 2021

Getting Your Tanking Waterproofing Right, The First Time

allco voltec application mission bay copy

Designing, planning and selecting the right membrane for the conditions of your site are key factors to achieve watertightness on tanking jobs.

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24 May 2021

Planning for Photovoltaic Panel Installations on NZ Homes

solar panel house

For some time now, it has become settled that there is sense in planning for a future where photovoltaic (PV) panels will become a standard feature for new homes and major renovations, even though many owners are not prepared to install them ‘next week’.

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24 May 2021

Five Factors to Consider When Specifying Stormwater Drainage Systems

Commercial Bay - Polymer Concrete Channel with heelproof cast iron grate

The primary objective of NZBC Clause E1 Surface water is to “Safeguard people from injury or illness, and other property from damage”. There are many elements which contribute towards this objective. Outlined are five key factors to consider when selecting the appropriate products for the job.

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7 May 2021

New Acoustic Requirements For The Ministry of Education’s Designing Quality Learning Spaces

acoustic requirements school photo

An outline of the new acoustic requirements from the latest version of the Ministry of Education's Designing Quality Learning Spaces (DQLS) requirements.

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27 April 2021

Product Substitution: Simple Rules to Follow to Mitigate Risk

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With supply chains affected by Covid-19 there are times substitution cannot be avoided. Here's a look at some simple rules to follow when making product substitutions to ensure problems don't arise.

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27 April 2021

Why Specify a Tile Over Shower Tray?

Cordis Hotel Tile Over Tray Shower Door Open Landscape

Understanding the benefits of a stainless tile over tray and if it's the right solution for your project.

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27 April 2021

Reducing Dirt Pick-Up On Painted Surfaces

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A look at two major tactics for reducing dirt pick-up — making the surface either super-hydrophilic or super-hydrophobic.

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