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RAUTITAN Water Services System

The RAUTITAN water services system was developed in collaboration with industry professionals to meet the needs of designer, developer, builder and installer.  Based on the advanced compression sleeve jointing technology the RAUTITAN system provides a robust, reliable and simple connection and the highest standards in hygiene, comfort and lifecycle costs.  

The strength and flexibility of cross-linked high-density polyethylene (PE-Xa) pipes used together with a complete range of RAUTITAN MX (DZR Brass) and RAUTITAN PX (polymer PPSU) fittings makes RAUTITAN a superior system for both residential and commercial applications.

Key Features
  • 100% leak-proof joint
  • Up to 60% faster installation than traditional copper systems
  • Reduction in workmanship fault
  • No welding hot work or electricity required
  • No scaling
  • Heat resistant up to 100°C
  • Corrosion resistant
  • Service life > 50 years
  • Up to 30% less hydraulic losses
  • Burst pressure up to 70bar.

Rehau's comprehensive range of pipe and fittings from sizes 16-63mm across all applications covers hot and cold drinking water (with a specifically red-coloured pipe for hot drinking water application) as well as pipes for rainwater and recycled water.

Scope of Use

The REHAU RAUTITAN and RAUTHERM Piping Systems have been appraised for use as the piping components for water supply as per the scope of New Zealand Building Code (NZBC) Acceptable Solution G12/AS1, and Verification Method G12/VM1 and as piping for hydronic heating systems including in-floor systems.

Statement of Building Code Compliance

In the opinion of BRANZ, the REHAU RAUTITAN and RAUTHERM Piping Systems, if designed, used, installed and maintained in accordance with the statements and conditions of this Appraisal, will meet, or contribute to meeting, the following provisions of the NZBC:

  • Clause B2 DURABILITY: Performance B2.3.1[a] not less than 50 yrs, B2.3.1[b] 15 yrs and B2.3.1[c] 5 years. The REHAU RAUTITAN and RAUTHERM Piping Systems meet these requirements. See Paragraphs 9.1 - 9.6.
  • Clause F2 HAZARDOUS BUILDING MATERIALS: Performance F2.3.1. The REHAU RAUTITAN and RAUTHERM Piping Systems will meet this requirement and not present a health hazard to people.
  • Clause G10 PIPED SERVICES: Performance G10.3.1[a]. The REHAU RAUTITAN and RAUTHERM Piping Systems contribute to meeting this requirement when used in heating systems. See Paragraphs 9.1 - 9.5.
  • Clause G12 WATER SUPPLIES: Performance G12.3.2[c]. G12.3.3, G12.3.4 and G12.3.7 [a] and [b]. The REHAU RAUTITAN Piping Systems contribute to meeting these requirements. See Paragraphs 12.1 - 12.4.

This is an Appraisal of an Alternative Solution in terms of New Zealand Building Code compliance.

In-Service History

Over 20 years in more than 40 countries REHAU compression sleeve technology has proven over and over again to be the most secure, reliable and robust connection.

Other Performance Attributes


Made from robust, lightweight polymer (PPSU) the PX fitting weighs approximately 80% less than similar brass fittings.  The new easy-slide PX compression sleeve joint can be completed up to 20% faster with 30% less effort.  Tough and durable, PX fittings do not display the same corrosion effects as can be seen in metal fittings, do not tend to scale and are hygienically non- hazardous – the ideal fitting for drinking water installations with the additional peace of mind against scrap-value theft.

Piping, Connection and System Guideline
Data Sheet
Independent Appraisal (BRANZ)
Lead-Free RAUTITAN Brochure

REHAU a leading systems and service provider for polymer-based solutions in construction, automotive and industry.

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