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IBS RigidRAP® is an 8mm OSB3 (Oriented Strand Board) which has been manufactured specifically for New Zealand, for use as a bracing element and/or rigid air barrier. IBS RigidRAP is the only dual layer rigid air barrier system available in New Zealand and comes laminated with a watertight wall underlay.

It gives your house dual protection from the weather during your building process and replaces traditional building wrap. When compared to similar products it is more cost effective, easy to install and is lightweight.

As an OSB3 panel manufactured in accordance with EN13986:2004, it is suitable for use in humid conditions where the panel in-service moisture content does not exceed 20%. Compliance with the NZ Building Code (NZBC) is established through product certification (CodeMark). IBS RigidRAP® meets all the requirements of Table 23 (clause E2 - external moisture) from the compliance document for the NZ Building Code.

Key Features
  • Reduces building time
  • Lightweight material, simple and easy to install
  • Provides rapid moisture protection of the building
  • Allows for interior construction to continue
  • Provides a greater level of site security
  • Reduces structural timber movement
  • Provides a rigid structure
  • Provides weather tightness for the building.
Scope of Use

IBS supply IBS RigidRAP for use as an internal or external wall bracing element when used in conjunction with a specific fixing system.

IBS RigidRAP may be used as a bracing element within the following scope:

In wind zones:

  • Up to and including extra high.
  • Up to 2.5kPa ULS where the building is specifically engineered.

Building scope

  • New buildings: with timber wall framing complying with NZBC
  • In conjunction with the GIB HandiBrac® method or a Strap Bracing system
  • In conjunction with LVL System - staples, Mitek CPC 80 and SPAX screws
  • In conjunction with LVL System - staples, Simpson Strong-Tie DTT2Z and type 17 screws
  • In conjunction with concrete and timber subfloor applications that comply with the NZBC
  • With all cladding types that comply with NZBC
  • In conjunction with a drained and ventilated nominal 20mm cavity system
  • With aluminium joinery complying with the NZBC
  • IBS RigidRAP may be used as a bracing element in existing buildings, however in these cases IBS makes no claim as to the bracing value that will be achieved

If IBS RigidRAP is to be installed as a bracing element in existing timber framed buildings, the following scope applies:

  • Existing timber framed buildings where the designer and/or installer have assured themselves that the existing building is suitable for the intended building work
  • Existing concrete and timber sub-floor structures where the designer and/or installer have assured themselves that the existing building is suitable for the intended building work
Limitations on Use
  • Allow a minimum of 4mm between panels both vertically and horizontally to accommodate dimension movement
  • Maximum spacings of wall studs must not exceed 600mm centres
  • Curved walls, minimum radius 2.5m are allowable, the IBS RigidRAP panels must be fixed horizontally onto framing studs with spacing and stud centres dependent on the radius.
  • A proprietary ‘Z’ flashing must be installed at mid floor level where IBS RigidRAP is installed on multi levels.
  • Serviceability of the joints may be affected if - at the time the timber framing is installed - its moisture content is greater than 18%
  • For wall heights greater than 3050 mm, horizontal wall joints are permitted, provided the panel joint is over solid blocking of the same gauge as the studs
  • All joints, other than mid floor level, (vertical and horizontal) must be sealed with an IBS approved self-adhesive flashing tape as specified in section 3.8. IBS recommend 150mm flashing tape or a proprietary Z flashing for horizontal joins
  • Steel fixings and fastenings must be in accordance with table 4.1, NZS 3604: 2011
  • Do not install IBS RigidRAP if the building paper has delaminated from the OSB sheet

When specifying IBS RigidRAP as a bracing element, the designer must consider site specific conditions and the building with respect to, but not limited to, the following:

  • Environmental (exposure) zone
  • Wind zone
  • Wall bracing table for wind and EQ demand
  • Structural design loads
  • Structural framing requirements
  • Preparation of substrate
  • External envelope
  • Other materials likely to affect the performance of IBS RigidRAP
Statement of Building Code Compliance

If designed, used, installed and maintained in accordance with the scope, this product will meet the following provisions of the NZBC:

  • B1 Structure: B1.3.1, B1.3.2, B1.3.3(a, b, f, h, m, q), B1.3.4
  • B2 Durability: B2.3.1(a)
  • E2 External Moisture: E2.3.2, E2.3.7
  • F2 Hazardous Building Materials: F2.3.1


Other Performance Attributes
  • Manufactured in accordance with EN13986:2004

PASS 19062

Technical Properties
CodeMark CM70035

Rev 2 2022

Installation Guide
Care and Maintenance Guide

August 2021

Warranty General Terms

August 2021


August 2021

CAD/PDF Details
IBS RigidRAP Frame Layout 1210


IBS RigidRAP Frame Layout Brick 1211


IBS RigidRAP Frame Layout Sheet Plaster 1212


IBS RigidRAP Frame Layout Eifs Plaster 1213


IBS RigidRAP Frame Layout Weatherboard 1214


IBS RigidRAP Joints Vertical Joint 1220


IBS RigidRAP Joints Horizontal Joint 1223


IBS RigidRAP Joints Horizontal Joint Corner 1227


IBS RigidRAP Corners External Corner 1230


IBS RigidRAP Corners Internal Corners 1231


IBS RigidRAP Floor Concrete Floor Edge Direct Fix 1250


IBS RigidRAP Floor Concrete Floor Edge Cavity 1251


IBS RigidRAP Floor Connections 1255


IBS RigidRAP Openings Lower Corner Treatment 1260


IBS RigidRAP Openings Upper Corner Treatment 1261


IBS RigidRAP Openings Window Head 1262


IBS RigidRAP Openings Window Sill 1263


IBS RigidRAP Openings Window Jamb 1264


IBS RigidRAP Window Head 1265


IBS RigidRAP Window Sill 1266


IBS RigidRAP Window Jamb 1267


IBS RigidRAP Window Openings Pipe 1269


IBS RigidRAP Wall Soffit 1270


IBS RigidRAP Apron Treatment - Roof Into wall 1280


IBS RigidRAP Balustrade 1281


IBS RigidRAP Brace System 1 1300


IBS RigidRAP Brace System 2 1310


IBS RigidRAP Brace System 3 1320


IBS RigidRAP Brace System 4 1330


IBS RigidRAP Brace System Uplift Resistance 1340


Since 1993, IBS has been working with the top building products producers from around the world to bring New Zealand a panel product range to help Kiwis build better.

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