Although retrofitting skillion roofs is not as common as retrofitting pitch roofs, Skillion roofs can still be retrofitted under these scenarios:
- From the outside, when the roof cladding is going to be changed or
- From the inside if the rafters are exposed
Recently Pink Batts were involved on a retrofitting job with exposed rafters in a house built in 1990.
The customer was after the highest possible R-value that could be installed. They understood that 30% -35% of the heat loss goes through the roof in an uninsulated house and that it wouldn’t be practical/possible to try and come back and add a top-up later on.
The rafters’ depth was 170mm and because the insulation was going to be installed in between the GIB plasterboard (the old one and the new one), there was no need to leave an air gap.
What did we recommend?
Pink Batts Ultra R4.0 Wall – 140mm:
- Due to its higher density, Pink Batts wall products can be used in either ceiling, wall or underfloor scenario.
- Highest R-value suitable.
Other potential alternatives were:
- Pink Batts Classic 2.6 - 140mm
- Pink Batts Skillion Roof R3.2 – 115 max
Both alternatives would have done the work, but Pink Batts Ultra R4.0 Wall delivers the highest thermal performance in that scenario.