3M are hosting a short 1 hour session with Dr Atsushi Udagawa, 3M Asia Pacific Business Development Manager for architectural markets, from Japan.
Why you should attend:
- Hear from 3M's global expert on Fasara Decorative Window Films and Di-Noc Wall Covering Films, developed and manufactured in Japan
- Find out about exciting recent product trends in Japan and Europe
- Find out what 3M is doing now and in the future with architectural markets products in Japan and Europe
- All attendants go in the draw to win a fantastic new 3M MP180 Pocket Projector!
Date: Tuesday 13 September
Seminar Times: 10am, 2pm, 4pm
Location: 3M Innovation Centre,
3M Head Office,
94 Apollo Drive,
North Shore,
Light refreshments and finger food served at each session.
RSVP with your preferred session time to Lani Hemmings
3M New Zealand Ltd, 94 Apollo Drive, Rosedale, Auckland
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 09 477 6514
Fax: 09 477 6698