St Michel have arguably the largest range of New Zealand designed and made bathroom furniture in the country. With their dedication to maintaining the highest quality, every component must be relied upon to perform, which is why they choose PureCoat by Bates Surfaces for their high-gloss finishes.
A reliable and versatile finish
"We use PureCoat as our go-to gloss finish," says Lucan Donovan, St Michel’s Head of Design. "High gloss can be prone to scratching and showing imperfections, but the PureCoat finish is really clean."
Continuity of quality and supply is essential to St Michel’s manufacturing operation. "It’s important that product orders are delivered on time, in full and to spec, which Bates do very well," says Lucan. "They have a world-class painting outfit."
"A big part of what we do requires consistency. We need to have confidence in the product we put out. What arrives at the customer’s home must look the same as it did in our marketing material or in a merchant showroom."
Another benefit of PureCoat is its range of colours, enabling Lucan to complement St Michel’s colour palettes for cabinets, benchtops and basins. "That’s a big thing for us — creating harmony between all the elements. Our choice of PureCoat nicely complements the rest of our range of finishes."
A progressive and agile partnership
With St Michel’s commitment to creating only the most stylish and durable bathroom furniture, the relationship with Bates Surfaces allows them to continuously improve their products and designs.
"Bates are very collaborative and open to new ideas," says Lucan. "Designing collaboratively with Andre Bates allows us to be effective and nimble in responding to local consumer tastes."
Find out more
Order a sample box of PureCoat from [email protected] or call our team on 0800 269 251 for more information. New colours and gloss levels coming summer 2024.
Product: PureCoat
Designer: St Michel
Writer: Folio