According to Stats NZ, February 2022 continues a record breaking year for new home consents.
In the year to February, multi-unit homes represented 49% of all new residential consents at 24,255 in the year ending February 2022. In comparison, the number of stand-alone houses was 25,518, making up 51% of all consents.
Five regions reached record annual consent numbers. These were:
- Auckland with 20,786 (up 22%)
- Canterbury with 8,317 (up 42%)
- Wellington with 3,687 (up 24%)
- Otago with 2,449 (up 27%)
- Northland with 1,525 (up 46%).
Looking at commercial work, the value of non-residential building consents was $8.3 billion, led by continued strong demand for schools, factories, and storage buildings.
For a full summary of February's building consents please read the release from Stats NZ.
*Multi-unit homes include townhouses, flats, and units; apartments; and retirement village units.
Image: Stats NZ