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Remote Inspections

LBP Skills Maintenance, August 2024 — for all LBPs | The Government has announced there will be a public consultation in the coming months on a range of options to increase the uptake of remote inspections.

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27 September 2022

How to Avoid Weeping Walls on Your Next Project

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Preventing groundwater finding its way into your basement structure starts at the planning and designing stages of the project. Here is what you need to know to avoid this hard to fix problem.

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27 September 2022

Smart Incorporation of Services for Apartments and Townhouses


Successful medium density housing (MDH) relies not just on great architecture, clever design and seamless engineering, but one other aspect as well: hidden services.

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27 September 2022

Selecting and Detailing Channel Drains to AS3996

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Linear channel drainage systems provide an excellent solution for efficiently removing surface water from large areas and openings such as laneways, paved areas and garage entrances. When selecting a system, consideration should be taken to the application and load class requirements.

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27 September 2022

HVAC Service Bundles: Saving Space and Making Compliance Easier

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Specifying multi-service bundles which have been tested for compatibility with acoustic lagging and thermal insulation can help simplify compliance.

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27 September 2022

Climate Change is for Real


Decades ago I became convinced of the certainty of Global Warming, and the dangers it poses for the future if action was not taken. Recently I spend six weeks in France coming face to face with the reality of that future if all societies do not begin to work together immediately.

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29 August 2022

How Do We Create Medium Density Housing That Exceeds Expectations?

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The word 'slum' comes up far too often in conversations about medium density housing, but the aspect of over-crowding is very much within our control.

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29 August 2022

Penetrations in Membrane Roofs and Decks

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When detailing a membraned area, the selection of the outlet is of prime importance. 

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29 August 2022

Building Science Soup

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When it comes to understanding the flow of liquid water, air, heat and water vapour through our building elements, accurate nomenclature matters.

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25 August 2022

New Zealand Building Material Costs Continue to Soar Higher Even As Domestic Demand Softens

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Suppliers predict that building product prices will increase a further 9% over the next 6 months, according to the latest Construction Supply Chain Update from EBOSS.

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1 August 2022

2022 Construction Industry Confidence Report

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Building sector confidence plummets to new lows — 91% of builders say there is not enough qualified staff to meet demand. 

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