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ARDEX Torch-Applied Roofing System

The ARDEX Torch-Applied System provides roof and deck waterproofing membranes

  • ARDEX WPM 117 
  • ARDEX WPM 189+

ARDEX WPM 189+ bottom layer comprises of an SBS compound which gives high elasticity and excellent flexibility at low temperatures. The top layer is then formed from APP modified bitumen which provides good cold flexibility and high resistance to heat and UV rays.

ARDEX WPM 189+ is coated with a mineral top surface finish, while the bottom surface is embossed and protected by a heat sensitive polythene film.

Key Features
  • Branz Appraisal (No.463)
  • Excellent elongation
  • Heat welded laps provide homogenous joints
  • Excellent cold flexibility and elasticity
  • Improved dimensional stability
  • Ceramic Chip for longevity and colour fastness
  • High puncture resistance
  • Excellent resistance to atmospheric agents
Scope of Use

ARDEX Torch-Applied Roofing Membranes have been appraised as roof and deck waterproofing membranes on buildings with the following scope:

  • The scope limitations of NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1, Paragraph 1.1; or,
  • The scope of limitations of NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1, Paragraph 1.1 with regards to building height and floor plan area when subject to specific structural design; and,
  • With substrates of plywood, Strandsarking (roofs only) or suspended concrete slab; and,
  • With minimum falls for plywood roofs of 1:30, concrete roofs of 1:60 and decks of 1:40; and,
  • With deck size limited to 40m²; and,
  • Situated in NZS 3604 Wind Zones, up to, and including, Extra High.

ARDEX Torch-Applied Roofing Membranes have also been appraised as roof and deck waterproofing membranes on buildings with the following scope:

  • Subject to specific structural and weathertightness design; and,
  • With substrates of plywood, Strandsarking (roofs only) or suspended concrete slab; and'
  • Situated in specific design wind pressures up to a maximum design differential ultimate limit state (ULS) of 6 kPa; and,
  • With the weathertightness design of junctions for each specific structure being the responsibility of the building designer.

The design and construction of the substrate and movement and control joints are specific to each building, and is, therefore, the responsibility of the building designer and building contractor and is outside the scope of this appraisal.

Limitations on Use

Roofs and decks waterproofed with ARDEX Torch-Applied Membranes must be designed and constructed in accordance with the following limitations:

  • Nominally flat or pitched roofs and decks constructed to drain water to gutters and drainage outlets complying with the NZBC; and,
  • With no steps within the deck level, no integral roof gardens and no downpipe direct discharge to the deck;
  • With the deck membrane continually protected from physical damage by a pedestal protection system.

The membranes must be installed by trained installers approved by ARDEX New Zealand Limited.

Statement of Building Code Compliance

In the opinion of BRANZ, Shelterbit Roofing Membranes, if designed, used, installed and maintained in accordance with the statements and conditions of Appraisal No. 463 (2011), will meet the following provisions of the NZBC:

  • Clause B2 Durability: Performance B2.3.1 (b), 15 years. Shelterbit Roofing Membranes meet this requirement.
  • Clause E2 External Moisture: Performance E2.3.1 and E2.3.2. Shelterbit Roofing Membranes meets these requirements.
  • Clause F2 Hazardous Building Materials: Performance F2.3.1. Shelterbit Roofing Membranes meet this requirement and will not present a health hazard to people.

Shelterbit Roofing Membranes have been appraised as an Alternative Solution in terms of New Zealand Building Code compliance. The membranes are an alternative to the membranes specified in NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1, and an Alternative Solution subject to specific design for other buildings not covered within E2/AS1.

In-Service History
  • BRANZ Appraised (No. 463)
Other Performance Attributes

This type of finish for the lower surface has been chosen for two reasons.

  • The first, to act as a temperature gauge during application. When the film melts it shows that the compound is at the correct temperature.
  • The second is due to the embossing, which allows the gases to rapidly escape when heated to its correct installation temperature avoiding possible problems of bubbling and blistering.
BRANZ Appraised
BRANZ Appraised
Product Info: ARDEX WPM 117
Product Info: ARDEX WPM 189+

ARDEX New Zealand supply and manufacture a range of quality construction materials, including products for levelling floors; external and internal waterproofing; and fixing natural stone and tiles.

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