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The Brickery Offers 100-Year Warranty for Austral and Monier Bricks

Clay brick has stood the test of time as one of the most durable and sustainable materials for construction. Robust and low maintenance with excellent acoustics and fire resistance, brick offers the longevity needed for commercial and residential projects alike. It’s this longevity that has enabled The Brickery to offer a unique 100-year warranty on Austral Bricks by Brickworks and Monier Bricks by CSR.

“The 100-year warranty is about giving comfort to architects and building owners that when choosing clay brick, they are choosing a product that in 100 years time will be as good as the day it was laid,” explains Kerry Heard, General Manager, The Brickery.

While it may sound too good to be true, for the Brickery offering a 100-year warranty for the Austral and Monier ranges was a simple way to bring added peace of mind to projects and highlight the long-lasting durability of brick. “No other product can offer the benefits that clay brick does,” says Kerry. “If fired correctly in a kiln and laid well by bricklayer, clay bricks will last for thousands of years, so it just makes sense.”

The warranty is part of a broader commitment by The Brickery’s joint owners Brickworks and CSR to not only achieve their sustainability targets but contribute towards building a more sustainable future for both their businesses and the planet.

“There is a drive in the industry towards looking at how long products last and sustainability over the lifetime of a building,” says Kerry. “Brickworks and CSR are committed to reducing their impact through measures including using less energy to make bricks, using less water, recycling and offering a number of products with EPDs. There is even one plant that is zero carbon — they use waste sawdust to fire their kilns.”

A naturally sustainable material, clay brick is a healthy and energy-efficient choice; bricks breathe and allow moisture to escape, emit no VOC’s and act as a thermal battery keeping buildings cooler in summer and warmer in winter. And the natural durability and colourfastness of brick ensures long-term sustainability and low maintenance over the lifetime of a building.

The Monier and Austral Brick collections available at The Brickery offer architects both classic and modern options for design, bringing the timeless appeal inherent to brick. With endless options for brick layouts, finishes and colours, designs are only limited by the imagination.

The ability to create an incredible design and know that it will still be standing in 100-years time is just what this warranty is about, says Kerry. “Architects should have the confidence to design with brick knowing the building they are designing is going to last and offer excellent performance for occupants well into the future.”

View more information on The Brickery, including contact details.
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July 2022 EBOSSNOW Case Studies

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