What is the continuous revolution?
The continuous revolution is the shift away from only using windows and intermittent extraction to ventilate our homes, and towards continuous ventilation solutions. But why do we need a revolution?
As we design and build more energy efficient and airtight homes, we solve old problems and create new ones. The current hot topic is overheating, but we’re also seeing issues like increased mould growth (in new places like roof spaces) and sick building syndrome.
We aren’t the first nation to face these problems. Europe has had highly airtight housing for decades and they have found a solution.
After years of testing, Europeans identified that continuous ‘trickle’ ventilation with high boost levels (extraction and supply) is the most effective way to alleviate the issues of airtight construction like overheating, mould, and sick building syndrome.
So why aren’t we using what they’ve learnt to solve our problems? Hence the need for a continuous revolution.
dMEV C: The newest tool of the continuous extraction revolution
The continuous extraction revolution is closer than ever before because of further refinements in EC motor technology. These motors facilitate the creation of fans like the new dMEV C, which meet both the boost and continuous flow rates of NZ building code for bathrooms.
dMEV is capable of completely autonomous air quality and moisture control thanks to its switchless 24/7 trickle speed and humidity automated boost. Additionally, dMEV is exceptionally quiet and energy efficient making just 8.5dB(A) of sound on minimum speed and using only 6W of power on maximum boost.
Ideal for improving air quality in renovations and new builds, dMEV can be ceiling mounted or installed through an exterior wall. When coupled with other forms of ventilation such as passive air inlet vents or a positive pressure system, several dMEV can even be used to ventilate an entire home, reducing overheating and removing excess moisture.
Of course, dMEV isn’t the only continuous ventilation solution from Simx. For a more powerful whole home extraction solution, we suggest the Vent-Axia MultiVent, and if you need air extraction and supply, look no further than the SmartVent Balance.