These 48 units combine light industry and apartments in a two storey building. The building has been architecturally designed with multi-use spaces, combining apartment living with flexible business or workshop space on the ground floor.
As can often happen with complex designs, the finishing details for the first floor balustrades threw up a challenge. Finishing details for the exterior cladding incorporated the deck space, so the balustrades could not be face fixed and had to be top fixed to the nib wall on the floating deck.
Typically top fixed balustrade base plates would have the bolt heads visible once fixed, as they were on the unit's back deck, but this was not acceptable on the front deck that sits off the living area. So the HomePlus North Shore team designed a custom-made flashing to cover the fixings, with a minimal 1mm gap around the posts making the fixings virtually invisible. Sitting flush with the floating deck, the flashing also protects the fixings from exposure to the elements and adds to the overall watertightness.
Although these flashings have been a challenge, as each deck requires a custom made fixing, they have proven to be a perfect solution for a tricky problem that has added to the overall finish.
For more information on Juralco Balustrades please email [email protected] or phone 09 478 8018..