ARDEX NZ now have CodeMark Certification on their Butynol and Butyseal sheet membranes for use at slopes down to 1:100 or 0.57 degrees on roofs and decks.
These products are made in NZ at their Christchurch factory and are the only sheet membranes produced in New Zealand also having CodeMark Certification for unchallengeable council acceptance at this pitch (1:100)*.
This makes them NZ’s favourite membranes, ideal on projects where desirable falls are unachievable or there are constraints in remediation of existing buildings — creating more flexibility and assured council acceptance for designers.
*where the product is used in accordance with the use and limitations defined on the certificate.
Note ARDEX always recommends achieving the best possible design fall available where possible.
The CodeMark Certificates are available on the ARDEX Website: