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27 October 2020

Shift Gears to Full Potential: Build Your EGO to be ECO


Jerome Partington’s recent blog post clearly explains why we need to think hard and fast about what sustainability means to us personally and industry-wide. Whilst taking up his advice, it’s also clear that we need to re-think mindsets and behaviour shifts (post-COVID and pre-next emergency) that’ll get us to the next normal...together.

Now is the perfect time to break down silos and ego-centric thinking. Our egos (we all have an ego) will only get us to the next normal if we steer ourselves toward more eco-centric ways of thinking.

What does that mean?

  • We share info and respect the diversity each of us brings to the table
  • We lead and follow knowing “My success depends on your success.”
  • We give back to nature and create a future where ALL living things live in balance...including rocks.

Simple!?...not really in a world that incentivises using and controlling nature. We’ve used nature to create great things with our ‘intelligence.’ We’re the point we’ve also polluted our planet and minds with inventions and theories that find us drowning, dirty and crushed. The upside? We're still clever and smart. We keep improving our tools, but right now, let’s pretend we have all we need to create healthy, sustainable structures and communities. The question is how do we come together to build what we need for a healthy, sustainable future?

How do we train our egos to support ourselves AND the planet? How do we Eco-fy our lives? Start with nature’s principles...she’s really very clever.

Nature works inter-dependently: For humans, this is more than working collaboratively or taking turns. It’s about understanding and believing that “My success depends on your success.” Think about that statement and about who needs to be successful for your success? What else can you do to support their success?

Nature builds on diversity: We, writers of this article are not build professionals. We knew little if anything about building until we took on the Living Building Challenge — taking five years to build a team and create our LBC Petal Certified, net positive 140% energy home. We come from outside the industry to support you...that’s in part, diversity in action.

Your success and influence to create a healthier, sustainable build industry can be achieved faster with shifts in mindsets and behaviours. How can you make those shifts? Start with this thought: COVID and the climate crisis have no egos, but are outcomes of human egos ignoring diversity and its inter-dependencies. What are the first steps to eco-fy our egos?

Try these to begin your shift:

  • Take one product/action that supports your EGO. What’s one thing you can do to make it ECO and more diversely beneficial? 
  • Think of one relationship you have that could be improved. How can you balance your EGO with an ECO action that lifts the relationship to be more inter-dependent?
  • Give it a go...start! Timing is perfect and critical for shifts to start NOW!

Written by Yoshimi & Jon Brett, developers of Tanglewood, an LBC Petal Certified, Net positive 140% energy home in Auckland, New Zealand. 

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