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25 July 2022

Passive Fire Protection for Floor Penetrations in Multi-Unit Developments

Passive Fire Protection of Floor Wastes

The familiar easy clean, or bucket/cup waste was the traditional way to create a water trap at the shower. It has the advantage of a squat design which is perfect for scenarios with reduced sub floor space, however, there are other factors that can create buildability and ongoing maintenance issues.

The easy clean waste features a water trap created by a removable bucket/cup. This requires maintenance, as the trap collects hair and the like and this build-up, if not managed, can create smells and blockages. In a tenanted property this will require regular inspection or call outs for maintenance. Build up in the trap can reduce flow rates and create overflows which is also not ideal.

The installation of the bucket/cup waste does not suit all applications, and it raises issues when it comes to fire rating. For example, in an application such as multi-level social housing the waste requires a large core hole in the slab for the waste which then transitions to a smaller diameter waste pipe. This will not accept an off-the-shelf passive fire system. Often each penetration has to be dealt with using a bespoke multi-material installation taking time and adding cost to the build.

Using a floor waste gully for showers and floor wastes provides a simple penetration for the 80mm DWV riser to pass through the slab that then allows for an off the shelf, easily installed and certified passive fire solution. The gully does not have any serviceable parts and the fully glued outlet will flush any debris to the sanitary sewer line removing any maintenance requirements.

For a flat slab, or rib and timber infill substrate the low profile retro fit collar is the go to solution, achieving fire ratings of up to 120 minutes for an 80mm floor waste in as little as a 70mm thick slab.

Modern construction leans toward a trapezoidal or profiled flooring, with shallower slab thickness to reduce building loadings. Again, the use of the 80mm floor waste gully, Cyclone flange and Allproof’s pioneering Drop In Fire Collar has allowed 120 minute insulation and integrity ratings in the thinnest of slabs, right down to 60mm.

Selecting the correct floor waste system can save time and materials by simplifying the passive fire protection of each penetration in your projects. This saving is then amplified by the reduced maintenance requirements of the floor waste gully.

Allproof has led the way in innovation on the construction site and continue to lead the pack with 100% locally made solutions to passive fire protection, all tested to AS 1530.4 - 2014 and AS4072.1 - 2005. Investment in product development and manufacturing plant means they are at the forefront of developments, working together with installers and specifiers on both sides of the Tasman to ensure that they are offering the very latest of solutions to keep ahead of construction trends. With dedicated specification support and representation nationwide Allproof has the fire solution for your floor wastes and more. And if they don’t have it, let’s work together to make it!

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