When installed in accordance with the GIB Aqualine's Wet Area Systems technical literature, tiled or vinyl covered GIB Aqualine systems may be used in areas directly exposed to liquid water, such as showers, to provide an impervious and easily cleaned wall surface.
As certified by the BRANZ Appraisal certificate No. 427 (2007), GIB Aqualine's Wet Area Systems, if designed, used, installed and maintained correctly, will meet Clause E3 - Performance E3.3.4, E3.3.5 and E3 3.6 as detailed below:
Provide wall surfaces adjacent to sanitary fixtures and sanitary appliances that are impervious and easily cleaned.
The construction methods meet with the internal moisture requirements of the NZBC Acceptable Solution E3/AS1.
To minimise internal condensation, adequate levels of ventilation and thermal resistance must be provided to all spaces where moisture may be generated.