A new way to plumb hot water in homes is through Leap's Maniflow Manifold Plumbing System. A Manifold system runs a dedicated pipe to every single faucet, and because the pipe is only servicing one faucet it can be significantly smaller than other systems. This means that the pipe is cheaper, but as there are more of them, installation costs are similar to other options.
The volume of water maintained in the pipe is smaller, meaning when users turn on the tap, water wastage is minimised and users are waiting much less time for water to heat; when users turn off the tap, there is less hot water in the pipe to go cold, meaning less energy is used on hot water. Hot water is also quick and goes straight where it's needed without sitting cooling in the big 'feeder' pipes needed to serve multiple outlets.
Leap's Maniflow Manifold Plumbing System reduces sudden temperature changes with a reservoir that helps to keep the hot water pressure consistent. As such, there will be no more 'shower shocks' when someone fills the tub in the laundry or turns the sink tap on. It also makes bathrooms quiet, as flexible, small diameter pipes eliminate water hammer and water noise.
Leap's Maniflow is a superior choice for saving water and energy and guarantees high performance.