The VisionInk digital ceramic glass printer is the most advanced and versatile glass printing machine available; ideal for both external and internal architectural glass applications. This high-tech printer goes far beyond the capabilities of traditional screen and UV glass printing; providing greater opportunity, flexibility, and quality in designing with glass. Thousands of possible colours, 720dpi resolution and the ability to control precisely the ink thickness provides unfettered scope of design.
Glasshape's ceramic inks, once toughened, become a part of the glass itself, providing the most powerful resistance to scratching, UV light and weather deterioration on an easily maintained surface that withstands the test of time. VisionInk image processing software can take any graphic from simple lines through to detailed photographs and replicate it on glass, controlling the thickness of the ink to deliver against specified Solar Heat Gain (SHG) and Visible Light Transfer (VLT) values. Using ink to deliver these goals vs. heavy building envelopes could deliver significant production and ongoing maintenance savings.
Only recently available as domestic production, this process has been employed on flagship buildings throughout Europe and Asia in recent years as illustrated here at One Reading Central in the UK and Rockheim Museum in Norway. VisionInk can be equally effective on smaller scale internal fitouts, balustrading, corporate signage or artistic installations.