Advance Flooring offers a comprehensive selection of entrance matting and critically these systems have been designed and made in New Zealand for our unique weather conditions. The need for water absorbency is crucial and many of Advance Flooring's entrance matting systems utilise "Zeno Protect Excellence" infill; a highly absorbent polyamide fibre which ensures optimum performance.
The right entrance matting not only provides a visual announcement as to what to expect from an establishment but contributes to the health and safety of employees and patrons and to a company's bottom line.
Entrance mats are key to minimizing dangerous and potentially expensive slip and fall hazards. In addition, by preventing the transference of dirt and moisture deeper into the building, the right matting can protect an owner’s investment by extending the life of tiled and carpeted areas, reducing the need for costly floor maintenance.
Mat size is another key element. People entering a building don't often stop to wipe their feet so it's important that an entrance mat is long enough to ensure there are enough contacts between the entry matting and the soles of shoes to minimise the amount of dirt carried into the building. The New Zealand Building Code's recommendation is that a mat should have a minimum dimension of 1.8m from front to back which allows for 2 contacts from each foot. Refer Acceptable Solution D1/AS1 Access Routes, Building Industry Authority.