For clients' peace of mind and as a responsible waterproofing supplier, Allco uses and recommends ILD (International Leak Detection) testing as opposed to invasive flood testing because of its accuracy, reliability and the ability to test the membrane at any time.
Performed by ILD, EFVM (Electric Field Vector Mapping) is a low voltage test method that creates an electrical potential difference between a non-conductive membrane surface and a conductive substrate, which is earthed or grounded.
By applying water on the membrane surface and using the water as a conductive medium, an electric field is created and a breach in the membrane creates a vector (ground fault connection).
The EFVM technician reads the electric flow travelling across the membrane mapping the breaches with pinpoint accuracy.
Advantages of the EFVM testing system:
- Exact pinpointing of membrane breaches
- Non-destructive to the membrane
- Can be performed on sloped structural decks
- Membrane defects can be repaired and retested without delay to the construction schedule
- Limited use of water required for the EFVM test
- Eliminates unnecessary removal of the overburden to locate a membrane breach
- Membrane performance can be monitored during its lifespan through the overburden
Where EFVM can be utilised:
- Garden roofs
- Roofs with ballast
- Roofs with paving stones
- Exposed membrane roofs
- Non-insulated and insulated roof systems
- Inverted roof systems
- Parking garages/parking decks
- Pond/water container liners
- Swimming pools
Contact Allco to find out more about their projects with ILD.