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GreenStuf thermal and acoustic insulation is made from 100% polyester fibre, with a focus on zero waste and recyclability, it contributes to improved air quality, and is safe to touch.

210817 greenstuf family hero

About GreenStuf

GreenStuf® insulation is proudly manufactured in New Zealand. Safe to touch, with no nasty chemicals or airborne fibres, GreenStuf is a thermal and acoustic insulation made from 100% polyester fibre (like a duvet). Made with with a minimum of 50% recycled content and made on a zero waste manufacturing line, every element — from packaging to product — is recyclable at the end of its life.

News from GreenStuf

The GreenStuf Advantage: How Sustainability, Quality, Safety, and Innovation Redefine Insulation Excellence
GreenStuf Innovation: Crafting Insulation from 100% Reclaimed Materials NEW
GreenStuf Takeback Programme: A Mission to Divert Waste from Landfills
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