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Renewing Existing Roofs for Environmental Benefits

Revitalising ageing roofs through innovative renewal techniques offers a sustainable solution that extends building lifespans, reduces waste, and minimises environmental impact in the construction industry.

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23 September 2024
9 June 2009

Volume of Building Work Continues to Fall in March Quarter

Stats NZ reported today that the seasonally adjusted volume of all building work put in place fell 0.7 percent in the March 2009 quarter.

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29 May 2009

Net Migration Boosts Building Industry Outlook

New Zealand's annual net migration was up nearly 100% on the year to April 08, with more kiwis deciding to stay put, and a few returning home.

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29 May 2009

April Consents - Is the Trend Easing?

April's consents were valued $885 million, down 21% from April 2008.

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30 April 2009

March Building Consents Offer Little Surprise

The value of non-residential building consents rose 6.3% in the year to March 09, while the value of residential building consents fell by 26% in the 12 months to March.

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28 April 2009

Government Could Scrap Consents for Low-Risk Building

Both eboss confidence surveys highlight the frustration with architects and designers with the current process, amongst other things. 

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28 April 2009

Migration Won't Affect Housing Market Til 2010

I saw this heading of a recent NBR article, and was interested to understand the timing of the flow-on effect by positive net migration.

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14 April 2009

First Quarter National Building Industry Confidence Survey Reveals Optimism for Recovery

eboss today announced results of its nationwide survey to assess how the industry has weathered the economic downturn over the last six months, and the outlook for recovery.

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8 April 2009

Building Industry Says Consent Processes Prohibit Growth

Last weeks NBR article on building concents combined the findings from the recent CTMA World & eboss surveys, which highlighted the frustrations with the current building consent process.

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8 April 2009

Business Confidence Lifts From Negative, Finds New Survey

It was pleasing to see some more positive news in the NZ Herald, suggesting an improving property market, based on the findings of the March BNZ confidence survey.

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1 April 2009

More News on Non-Residential Figures

On Friday, we previewed the eboss research summarising the current confidence levels in the building industry. 

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